authenticate("U_FrontPage, U_Groups, U_TimeOffset,U_Display,U_Favorites,U_WhichForums,U_Categories,U_TimeFormat,U_LastOn"); $Username = $user['U_Username']; $mode = $user['U_Display']; $Groups = $user['U_Groups']; isset($user['U_FrontPage']) && $catsonly = $user['U_FrontPage']; isset($user[
Вариант "сохранить" успешно сохраняет файл размером 19203байта с началом
# UBB.threads, Version 6
# Official Release Date for UBB.threads Version6: 06/05/2002
# First version of UBB.threads created July 30, 1996 (by Rick Baker).
# This entire program is copyright Groupee, Inc., 2005.
# For more info on UBB.threads and other Groupee Services
# visit &
# Program Author: Rick Baker.
# File Version 6.5.2
# You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or otherwise,
# without the express, written written consent from Groupee, Inc..
# Note: if you modify ANY code within UBB.threads, we at Groupee, Inc.
# cannot offer you support-- thus modify at your own peril
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Require the library
и т.д.
Это что-то с движком случилось или локальные настройки смотреть надо? Раньше таких траблов не было
Змінено panas (18:19 27/05/2009)