У нас сотрудник увлекается антикварными приемниками и проигрывателями. В одном из них была обнаружена такая пластиночка. Меня сразили две предпоследние строчки Знатоки, че, действительно слова и музыка - народные?
Actually John wrote this song as a protest against the oppressive nature of Christianity in general and the Roman Catholic church in particular. The lines: Was she told when she was young that pain would lead to pleasure Did she understand it when they said That a man must break his back to earn his day of leisure Will she still believe it when he's dead are a reference to the Christian doctrine that only suffering leads to salvation.
А, что Леннон и МакКартни - не народ? Антисоветчину буржуйскую только так и можно было протащить.
В ответ на: Beatles - Girl (Lennon/McCartney)
Is there anybody gone to listen to my story All about the girl who came to stay? She's the kind of girl you want so much It makes you sorry; Still, you don't regret a single day. Ah girl! Girl!
She's the kind of girl who puts you down When friends are there, you feel a fool. Didididi.. When you say she's looking good She acts as if it's understood. She's cool, cool, cool, cool, Girl! Girl! [Was she]
When I think of all the times I've tried to leave her She will turn to me and start to cry; And she promises the earth to me And I believe her. After all this times I don't know why. Ah, girl! Girl!
She's the kind of girl who puts you down when friends are there, You feel a fool. When you say she's looking good, she acts as if it's understood. She's cool, cool, cool, cool, Girl! Girl!
Was she told when she was young the pain Would lead to pleasure? Did she understand it when they said That a man must break his back to earn His day of leisure? Will she still believe it when he's dead? Ah girl! Girl! Girl!
Яркий пример аудиопиратства по-советски . Поскольку ВААП (Всесоюзное агентство по авторским правам) не хотело платить каким-то патлатым авторский гонорар, их просто заменили народом.
Не думаю, что это причина. СССР подписал конвенцию WIPO в 1970, но и после этого плевал на неё с большой колокольни. А "Rubber soul", где была "гёрлс" вышел в 1965. Так что тем более, если та пластмасса была выпущена до 70-го.